TrACE Success Program
What is the TrACE Success Program?
Sometimes the first semester on a new campus can be tough. Learning new routines, locating resources, meeting friends, and getting involved on a different campus can leave you feeling anxious and overwhelmed. ECU’s Pirate Academic Success Center is here to help!
As a transfer student, you can receive personalized academic success services, career assistance, and financial support funds by joining the Transfer, Accelerate, Complete, and Engage (TrACE) Success program at ECU. TrACE Success is designed to help you, a NC community college transfer student, successfully finish your ECU degree on time and with the support you need to be successful.
Qualifying TrACE students receive personalized support services including:
- A personal academic success advisor
- Priority tutoring services
- Financial Incentives including $100 a month
- $300 book scholarship every semester
- First day/early registration each semester
- Community involvement (social & cultural activities)
- Starfish early alert monitoring
- Learning center employment opportunities
For more information, check out our flyer.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible, students must meet the following criteria:
- Have attended a North Carolina community college within the past two years
- Be a North Carolina resident
- Be enrolled with at least 60 transferable credit hours earned or an Associate Degree
- Pursue an on-campus, in-person program
- Not transfer directly from an early college program
Applications are closed for the 2023-24 academic year. Details regarding the 2024-25 academic year will be posted as they become available.
Have questions? Contact Us!
Tatum Taylor, Ph.D., Director:
Yolanda Davis, Success Advisor