Our relationship with faculty members at East Carolina University is essential to the success of center programs and services. Working collaboratively, ECU faculty, PASC professional staff, and peer educators join together to support student success.
PASC Tutoring and Academic Coaching Services
Tutoring Services
- Course tutoring is offered by appointment or walk in sessions.
- Tutoring is offered both face to face and virtually on Teams.
- Study Groups will be offered for select courses in person.
Academic Coaching Services
- Peer and professional Academic Success Coaches are available to work with students by appointment.
- Academic Coaching is offered both face to face and virtually on Teams.
- Study skills presentations are available for undergraduate courses.
Connecting with the PASC
- PASC is centrally located on main campus in the north wing of the Old Cafeteria Complex.
- Students make PASC service appointments online using ecu.accudemia.net or by calling 252-737-3009.
Become a PASC Student Success partner
- Include the PASC in your syllabus.
- The Pirate Academic Success Center offers free tutoring for science and humanities courses, a variety of math and business courses, foreign languages, and academic coaching on topics like time management, test taking, and effective textbook reading. Students can make free appointments on ecu.accudemia.net, by phone 252-737-3009, by email at tutoring@ecu.edu or by visiting the North Entrance of the Old Cafeteria Complex to make a services appointment. All PASC services are free to ECU students.
- Add the PASC Module. Located in the Canvas Commons, include the PASC services overview module in your Canvas course. Directions on adding our module to your Canvas Course can be found here.
- Request a Study Skills Class Presentation. To request a presentation, please complete this request form.
- Refer a Student for PASC Services. Use this survey to refer a student.
- Utilize ECU’s STARFISH Early Alert System. PASC staff reach out to students you identify and offer support services.
- Keep up with the PASC. Follow PASC on social media at ECU_PASC
- Share PASC Services. Students can access a personalized list of services for them online through ecu.accudemia.net.
- Recommend Outstanding Students. Email staff or tutoring@ecu.edu with the names of successful students in your courses who may be qualified to tutor or be an academic success coach.
- Tutor Referrals: Amber Arnold, Director arnolda19@ecu.edu, or Monique Barrett, Assistant Director barrettk@ecu.edu
- Academic Success Coach Referrals: Amber Arnold, Director arnolda19@ecu.edu.